Army of Women: Hot & Bothered by Menopause?

Do you experience hot flashes and live in Seattle? Or know someone who does? For decades, when women turned to their doctors for help handling menopausal symptoms, hormone therapy was the recommendation. But there are many women who do not want to use menopausal hormones (estrogen and progestin) because of the studies that have shown they can increase a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer (for more information, please click here). And if you’ve had breast cancer, menopausal hormones aren’t an option. (via

The Army of Women is recruiting women in our area to participate a study that will look at how well yoga, exercise, and omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil) work to ease hot flashes and night sweats.

To participate, you must match ALL of these categories:

  • You are a woman between age 40 and 62
  • You are peri- or postmenopausal
  • You have bothersome hot flashes/night sweats
  • You are able to read, write, and speak English
  • You live near or are willing to travel several times a week for 12 weeks (at your own expense) to Indianapolis, Ind., Oakland, Calif., or Seattle, Wash.
  • You are NOT on an anti-estrogen therapy for treating breast cancer [tamoxifen or another SERM (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator) or an aromatase inhibitor]
  • You are NOT currently pregnant or breastfeeding

If you match the categories above and want to participate, RSVP here.

Participation in this study will include the following commitments:

  • You will be contacted by phone to answer questions about your hot flashes, menopausal status, health, and exercise habits.
  • If you meet the main criteria for the study, you will be asked to complete a 2-week screening period that involves completing a screening questionnaire and a daily hot flash diary.
  • If you are eligible and choose to join the study, you will be randomly assigned (like flipping a coin) to one of three groups: a yoga group, an aerobic exercise group, or a usual activity group. You will also be randomly assigned to take either omega-3 supplements or inactive pills (placebo) each day. This phase of the study will last for 12 weeks.

Think about participating and passing on this opportunity to your friends! You could be a part of a major discovery that will affect every single woman in the United States!

-Katie Barnett

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