HOW will you help end breast cancer?

The Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation wants to know,

The foundation has done a lot for research, all in the pursuit of a cure for breast cancer. We have occasionally posted information on this blog about research studies they’re currently supporting, and now, we are thrilled to share information about the Health of Women (HOW) Study – a “first-of-its-kind international online study for women and men with and without a history of breast cancer.”

Here’s a bit more information about the HOW Study, straight from the study’s website:

The majority of women who get breast cancer have none of the known clinical risk factors. This means we don’t know what causes breast cancer or how to prevent it.

We will collect information about your health, your job, your diet, and your family history, among other topics that can help us get a better understanding of breast cancer and its potential causes.  Periodically, we will send you questionnaires about anything and everything. All you have to do is fill them out online. It’s that simple. This is a partnership and we need you for the long haul. The more questionnaires you fill out, the more information we will have that can help us have a better understanding of why women get breast cancer.

The HOW Study will track hundreds of thousands of women (and men) over time to learn what causes breast cancer, and how to prevent it.  HOW will also study long-term breast cancer survivors in order to get a better understanding of how they are beating the odds. This is the first time a study of this size and magnitude is collecting data entirely online. We are excited by this approach because it will allow us to ask every question any of us (including you) ever wanted answered. We believe this is the first study that will allow the participants to submit questions they want studied, and we are eager to hear what you want us to do!

Go ahead and sign up online! I signed up two weeks ago and filled out the initial questionnaire. Now, I’m waiting to receive the next questionnaire in my email inbox.

Each new questionnaire will be released in a “Call to Action” email and will address a specific topic, such as reproductive health, cancer history (for those with breast cancer), environmental exposures, and much, much more. Each questionnaire should take about 60-90 minutes to fill out, and we will get a new one every three to four months.

If you have more questions, check out the program’s FAQs or reach out to HOW directly.

The HOW Study is being conducted at the Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation, in collaboration with City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center.

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