A different kind of health

Most of the time, we talk about physical health on this blog. Another type of health is our financial health.

I’m sure you already know that our financial health impacts our physical health. How much money we make impacts the quality of food we are able to buy. Having a stable job makes it possible for us to pay our rent or mortgage on time each month, keeping a roof over our heads and our bodies protected from the outdoors. And it goes on…

At the YWCA, some of the work we do is around building economic resilience. Here are a couple programs to check out:

  • Hope and Power for Your Personal Finances: This is a 10-session financial education class/support group for survivors of domestic violence. We provide childcare, transportation assistance (either gas cards or bus tickets), and food as a way to help reduce the barriers for survivors to attend. This year, we are partnering with other domestic violence agencies to teach them how to offer the classes. We don’t have our schedule quite set for the rest of the year, but clients can call Hannah Haag at any time to get put on our waiting list.  Then we’ll contact them directly when we have a class scheduled. Hannah can be reached at hhaag@ywcaworks.org  or 425-264-1406.
  • Money Mechanics: These are our newer 4-session financial education classes that are open to anyone. They are designed for people who are low-income, unemployed, or currently or recently homeless, but there are no eligibility requirements and anyone can attend. The next classes will be in Seattle and starting in May. For more information about the Money Mechanics classes please contact Constance Francis: cfrancis@ywcaworks.org or 425-264-1416.

There are also other resources available in the community outside of the YWCA. Some of our favorites are the Financial Empowerment Centers in Seattle and BankOn Seattle.

Fec logo recolored higher res8_2014(1)The Financial Empowerment Centers (FECs) provide FREE financial counseling. They can assist you with banking, credit, debt management and reduction and preparing for short and long term financial goals. Scheduling an appointment is easy! Counselors are located at agencies throughout the city of Seattle, including at YWCA Opportunity Place.  You or your client can access the online appointment scheduler by clicking here. Also – counselors speak many languages! When you open the online appointment scheduler you can clearly see when and where each language is available.

bank-on-logoBankOn Seattle is a partnership of banks, credit unions, and community organizations that can help you open free or low-cost checking and savings accounts. The program is especially focused on those who don’t have a banking relationship, including 2nd chance accounts for those who have had trouble with banks in the past. On their website you can find a list of financial institutions that participate, comparison charts of their accounts (in multiple languages!), a list of financial education providers and a calendar of classes. Want to learn more about what bank, credit union or community organization could be a good fit for you, click here and select your preferred language.

What is the ONE THING you can do to take a step towards financial health?

Let us know if we can help.

Thank you to YWCA Economic Resilience Initiative for providing the content for this blog post.

Ride for less with ORCA LIFT

What do you know about ORCA LIFT? My hope is that you’ve already heard of this program, and if you’re eligible, you already have your LIFT card! But – in case not – the ORCA LIFT program is a new reduced fare initiative, created by King County Metro. This means, that if your income falls within the 200% of the federal poverty level you are likely eligible for this card.

ORCA LIFT’s reduced fare of $1.50 per ride (or $54 for the PugetPass which provides you with monthly unlimited rides) works on all Metro buses, the light rail, Kitsap Transit, the water taxi to West Seattle, and the Seattle Streetcar. Sound Transit and Community Transit buses are not participating in LIFT – so the reduced fare does not apply on these bus lines and you have to pay full bus fare. But you can tap the LIFT card and apply the $1.50 LIFT fare towards the full bus fare, and then pay the additional $1.25 to pay the full fare to ride.


If you already have a senior card or a disabled card – don’t worry! The card you already have is a better deal – only $1.00 and less than what you’d pay with the ORCA LIFT card.

Not sure if you’re eligible? Here is the income breakdown, by household size:

  • For one person (with no dependents), you’re income eligible if you make $23,540 or less;
  • For a household of two, the maximum income to qualify is $31,860;
  • For a household of three, the maximum income to qualify is $40,180;
  • For a household of four, the maximum income to qualify is $48,500; and so on.

OrcaLiftCardStill not sure if you qualify? Give us a call. Here’s my phone number: 206.461.4494 and here is ORCA LIFT Project Coordinator Natalia Arredondo’s phone number: 206.461.4482.

Prefer to do a little research online? Read about ORCA LIFT on Metro’s website here.

Want to sign up for a LIFT card?

We have community drop-in hours in downtown Seattle, White Center and Redmond. Please bring your government-issued ID and proof of income (30 days of paystubs, award letter from DSHS or the unemployment office, or your ProviderOne card). If you have questions about what to bring, please call Natalia at 206.461.4482.

YWCA Opportunity Place (2024 Third Avenue, Seattle, WA 98121)

  • Mondays 10am-noon
  • Tuesdays 11:30am-1:30pm
  • Thursdays 10am-noon

YWCA Greenbridge (9720 8th Avenue SW, Seattle, WA 98106)

  • Tuesdays 1pm-4pm
  • Thursdays 1pm-4pm

YWCA Family Village Redmond (16601 NE 80th Street, Redmond, WA 98052)

  • Mondays 9:30am-4pm (closed for lunch noon-1pm)
  • Wednesdays 9:30am-4pm (closed for lunch noon-1pm)
  • Thursdays 1pm-4pm
  • Fridays 9:30am-4pm (closed for lunch noon-1pm)

Maybe none of our locations work for you. If that’s the case – check out drop-in locations at other organizations.

Don’t forget to enroll by February 15th!

Since last November, thousands have been enrolling in health coverage for 2015. Don’t miss your chance to sign up for a health plan through Washington HealthPlanFinder. Enrollment ends on February 15th!

Visit Washington HealthPlanFinder to learn more about your options and to enroll in a plan. And if you’d like help signing up for coverage, reach out to a Navigator who can walk you through the steps of signing up.

Know Your Rights

As we begin the new year and consider how we want to live in 2015, it’s a great idea to consider how you want your health to be and any new health care changes coming your way. Maybe you would like to speak with a counselor about stress in your life, are expecting a new baby in the family, or are due for your first mammogram this year.

We meet with medical professionals for help and trust their expertise. But it’s also important to know your rights when it comes to your health care. HealthCare.gov shares information with us about new rights and protections we all have, thanks to the Affordable Care Act.

How the health care law protects you

Here some additional rights and benefits, and information on how to protect yourself from fraud when you apply for insurance:

On top of what HealthCare.gov outlines as protections in the Affordable Care Act, there are protections and rights that directly support people who identify as LGBTQ. In 2014, LGBT HealthLink partnered with PROMO Missouri and lawyer Corey Prachniak to create the Healthcare Bill of Rights a short document summarizing LGBTQ rights in the healthcare world now.

The creators of the Healthcare Bill of Rights write:

Your personal life and relationships affect your health more than you realize, so your doctor and other providers need to know your story.

We should all feel safe talking about our sexual partners, sex lives, sexual orientation, HIV status, and gender identity.

  • Learn how to file a complaint if you’ve faced discrimination.
  • See how you can find a medical provider who will respect your rights and identity.
  • Read how you can plan for your future care with a healthcare power of attorney.

Read the Healthcare Bill of Rights here:



Learn more about the Healthcare Bill of Rights and its history here. And if you want your very own copy of the Healthcare Bill of Rights, check out the different versions available here.

Stress Strategies

From coping with the holidays, to dealing with the darker and shorter winter days, to the ongoing stress that results from care-giving, many of us experience stress on a regular basis and have different ways to cope with it.

Today, the Office on Women’s Health and National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine hosted a live conversation on Twitter about stress – they called it a #stresschat. Want to catch up on the conversation? Go here. Many different people and organizations have been participating in today’s conversation on Twitter. Here are some resources people shared that I am finding helpful.

The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) helps us understand what stress actually is:

Stress is a physical and emotional reaction that people experience as they encounter changes in life. Stress is a normal feeling. However, long-term stress may contribute to or worsen a range of health problems including digestive disorders, headaches, sleep disorders, and other symptoms. Stress may worsen asthma and has been linked to depression, anxiety, and other mental illnesses.

NCCAM also talks about relaxation techniques we can all use to reduce tension and address the stress we are experiencing. Different techniques include deep breathing, guided imagery and meditation. Want to learn more? Check out these five things to know about relaxation techniques for stress.

The Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health says, “If you’re alive, you experience stress.” How true that is.

A little bit of stress is ok, but chronic stress can have long-lasting impacts on our health. Dr. Susan Lord, a Kripalu Healthy Living faculty member and expert in mind-body medicine, says we can “transform stress by intentionally activating the relaxation response, which increases blood flow to the brain and releases chemicals that make your organs slow down.” And that’ a good thing.

There are seven steps she suggests to activating our relaxation response and increase our mindful living:

  1. Develop self-awareness via yoga and meditation.
  2. Express yourself creatively.
  3. Be here now. Live in the present moment – not too much in the past or the future.
  4. Find community.
  5. Identify stressful thoughts and beliefs. Eavesdrop on your internal dialogue. Just noticing will prepare you to start shifting stressful thoughts and beliefs to more positive ones.
  6. Do experiments: “Identify one concern you have about your life or health, and come up with a new way to deal with it.”
  7. Avoid judgment. Notice when you start to criticize yourself and others, and be kind instead.

These are all great tips that you can use to care for yourself. But what about when you have someone else to care for, as well? AARP talks about when caregivers experience a lot of stress – and what to do to take care of yourself and the other person you’re caring for.

AARP has their own list of 10 tips. Here are just a few!

  • Put your physical needs first. If you’re not caring for yourself (eating well, getting enough sleep, getting regular medical check-ups…), you wont’ be in any shape to care for others.
  • Ask for help.
  • Get organized. Develop a system with calendars and to-do lists to help you stay on top of it all.
  • Take a break. You deserve it. Really.

We all experience significant stress at some point in our lives. It is so important that we take care of ourselves, model self-care to others, and be there for others who may be going through a tough time. What are some strategies that work for you? What is one new thing you plan to try to manage the stress in your life?

Winter Weather

winterweatherCan you believe it? It’s nearly wintertime. In the past, snowstorms and extreme weather have caught us off guard – and this year, we can all plan ahead to be better prepared.

To be safe on the roads, consult the Seattle Department of Transportation’s Winter Weather Response Map. The map will show you where snow plows have been and you can view road conditions via traffic cameras. For those of us who get around by bus, King County Metro will show you your planned Snow Route – just type in your bus route number in the search bar and click Enter on your keyboard. Learn more about what the Seattle Department of Transportation does to prepare for winter weather and who to contact for information by reading SDOT’s incredibly helpful Winter Weather 2013-2014 brochure. And if you’re concerned about other hazards and threats that might threaten your transportation – like flooding – sign up for an email or phone notification from the Regional Public Information & Notification emergency alert system.

On top of being safe while in transit, there are ways we can be safe in our homes. Thanks to Public Health of Seattle & King County for the tips below.

Be careful what you burn. Burning fuels like gasoline, propane, oil, kerosene, natural gas, coal or wood can let off carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide poisoning can be fatal. To be safe and prevent carbon monoxide poisoning:

  • Only use a generator outside and away from windows and vents
  • Don’t use a generator or portable propane heater indoors, in a garage or in a car port
  • Don’t cook or head indoors by using a charcoal or gas grill

Carbon monoxide poisoning can feel like a splitting headache, nausea and vomiting, and lethargy and fatigue. If you are experiencing these symptoms, get fresh air immediately and call for medical help from a neighbor’s home.

If you lose power, use different ways to stay warm. Try to stay with friends and family who still have power. Or, go to a city location set up for people without power. To find out where these locations are, visit www.kingcounty.gov/safety/prepare when there’s bad weather – they’ll have the location information listed. If you do stay at home, close all curtains and cover windows and doors with blankets. Everyone should stay together in one room with the door closed to warm each other and the room with body heat. Wear multiple layers of lightweight clothing rather than one layer of heavy clothing. And don’t forget to put on those hats and mittens!

And please do what you can to help others!

  • Check on elderly friends, family members, and neighbors to make sure they are alright.
  • Warn others about carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • Invite friends and family over if you know they have lost power.

What other tips do you have on how to stay safe and warm this winter?

Health Fair @ KeyArena – Free Dental, Medical, Vision Care

The Seattle Center Foundation is hosting a free dental, vision and medical care health fair – and YOU are invited! The health fair will go take place on October 23-26 at the Seattle Center. See below for the flyer and very important logistical information. For additional information, visit the health fair’s website.



How Do I Get Into the Clinic?

  • No registration necessary – first come, first served!
  • Both the parking garage (1st Ave N) and the building (NW Rooms) where people line up to get admission numbers open at 12 Midnight each day (Click here for map)
  • Limited admission numbers, for that day only, will be distributed starting at 3:30am.
  • The first patients will be admitted to the clinic by number starting at 5:30am.

How Should I Prepare for the Clinic?
Please be advised that this will be a long day and you are responsible for your needs.

  • ALL WELCOME. Patients DO NOT need identification or proof of citizenship.
  • Bring some food and beverages including breakfast, lunch, snacks and water.
  • Wear comfortable clothing.
  • Minors need to be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
  • When your number is called and you enter KeyArena, you will stay inside until you have received all the services you are seeking for the day. If you leave KeyArena, you cannot return that day. Be prepared for a long day at the clinic.

Will Someone Speak My Language?

  • Interpretation services will be available to assist patients throughout the clinic.

What Happens Once I Enter the Clinic?

  • Because of the large number of patients, you can only seek care in either vision or dental, in addition to medical care, in one day.
  • Patients can wait in line for an admission number on another day for additional services.
  • We will collect basic personal information including name, age, height, weight, and medical history.
  • In each service area (dental, vision, or medical) you will wait your turn in line and will be seen on a first come, first served basis.

What Not to Bring:

  • No drugs, alcohol, or weapons are allowed on the premises.
  • Pets, except service animals.

NOTE: Narcotics will not be used or prescribed. Authorization for medical marijuana will not be provided.

Find out more in Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Patient Parking & Admission Line Map

Violence: Learn more, Do more

Where have you experienced or witnessed violence in your life?

Futures_Share_Graphic_650px-3Futures Without Violence has found that about 1 in 3 teenagers report some kind of abuse – including emotional and verbal abuse – in a romantic relationship.

Every day, an average of 483 women are raped or sexually assaulted in the United States.

In the past year, more than 5 million children were exposed to physical intimate partner violence – 6.6% of children in our country. Of these children, 1 in 3 reported being physically abused themselves.

With statistics like these, we could say that we have all been exposed to violence somewhere and at some point in our lives – whether we’ve experienced it ourselves or someone close to us has. We see the consequences to exposure to violence all around us. Violence leads to more violence and our exposure to it impacts our health and the health of our loved ones. For example:

  • Women victimized by abuse are more likely to be diagnosed with serious health problems including depression, panic attacks, high risk behaviors such as tobacco and substance abuse and sexual risk taking, as well as migraines, chronic pain, arthritis, high blood pressure, gastrointestinal problems, inconsistent use of birth control, and delayed entry into prenatal care.

  • Pregnant women are frequent targets of abuse and, as a result, are placed at risk for low birth weight babies, pre-term labor — pregnant and parenting teens are especially vulnerable.

  • Abused children and those exposed to adult violence in their homes may have short and long term physical, emotional and learning problems, including: increased aggression, decreased responsiveness to adults, failure to thrive, posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, hyper vigilance and hyperactivity, eating and sleeping problems, and developmental delays.

It’s one thing to know more about violence in our communities and in our country – and another to be able to do something about it. When I stop and think – Ok, how, then, do we stop violence? – I get stuck. It’s such a BIG issue and incredibly complex. But it seems a few groups of people have some ideas. Here are a few ideas from the Coalition to End Violence Against Women in Sudbury, Canada:

  1. Recognize that it’s a men’s issue: Violence against women is not just a woman’s issue, it’s also a men’s issue that involves men of all ages, socioeconomic, racial and ethnic backgrounds.
  2. Break the silence: When you are ready, tell others your stories about survival; this can help others share their stories thus reducing the shame associated with abuse.
  3. Listen to women: When a woman discloses about violence in her life, listen and believe her.Futures_Share_Graphic_650px-1
  4. Heal the violence in your own life: Many of us are survivors of abuse in some way and many of us fear becoming a victim of violence.  If you are emotionally, psychologically, physically or sexually abused, get help. Get counselling or join a support groupIf you are abusive to women, in any way, get help now.
  5. Make violence your business: Some of us tend to have this belief that violence is a private thing and we should not be asking questions about other people’s business or relationships – especially when there is trouble. If you suspect violence in a home or if someone is being abused, ask them. Looking the other way will not help end violence against women. They may not tell you right away but your concern may show them you are someone they can trust. If you need extra support in support someone who is being abused, call your local women’s shelter or crisis line.
  6. Raise non-violent children: Talk to your children about abuse and violence. Help them find non-violent ways to solve conflicts and encourage co-operative and non-violent play. Don’t use violence as punishments.
  7. Support initiatives that promote women’s equality: Women make up the majority of victims of abuse. Get involved in your community’s rallies or awareness campaigns on ending violence. Help raise money so we can continue to our prevention work or volunteer in an organization working to end violence against women.
  8. Challenge sexism: Media often portray women as sexual objects and often use images of violence against women to sell products.  Websites, music, movies, even books often describe and portray women in a sexual degrading or abusive manner. This is not OK. Challenge those statements by talking about the realities of women. Challenge gender roles.

Next week is the YWCA’s Week without Violence – a signature initiative created by YWCA USA nearly 20 years ago to mobilize people in communities across the United States to take action against all forms of violence, wherever it occurs. What will you do to take a stand, interrupt violence, and promote peace, health and wellness? What will you do to get involved?

Hate begets hate; violence begets violence; toughness begets a greater toughness. We must meet the forces of hate with the power of love.

Martin Luther King, Jr. 


For support around domestic violence, contact Doris O’Neal in Seattle at 206.280.9961 or JoJo Goan in South King County at 425.226.1266, ext.1017 or rgaon@ywcaworks.org. Learn more about YWCA services available for individuals and families experiencing domestic violence. To speak with a counselor to talk through something you’re experiencing, call us at 425.922.6192.

Make a Plan. Be Prepared.

NPM_logo_CMYKNo matter where we live, there is always the possibility of a man-made or natural disaster.

September is Disaster Preparedness Month. This is a great time to make a plan and practice it with your family so that if there is a disaster – like an earthquake, wildfire or flood – you’ll be able to be safe and prepared together.

It only takes a few steps to become more prepared.

For example – you can build an emergency supply kit that includes:

  • First aid kit
  • Whistle to signal for help
  • Food, at least a 3-day supply of non-perishable food
  • Water, one gallon of water per person per day, for at least 3 days, for drinking and sanitation
  • Can opener for food
  • Local maps

Some additional items to consider adding to your emergency kit are:

  • Prescription medications and glasses
  • Infant formula and diapers
  • Matches in a waterproof container
  • Feminine supplies and personal hygiene items
  • Sleeping bag or warm blanket for each person

FEMA has a full checklist available that can help you put together a solid emergency supply kit. Go through it with a family member and start setting items aside now.

And if you or a family member is living with a disability or is a senior, learn about how to enhance your plan. For example, consider how to care for any service animals or pets; talk to friends, neighbors or coworkers in case you would be in need of assistance; and include important documents in your emergency kit like copies of your social security card, medical records, and bank account information. Read more about some of these specialized tips at FEMA’s Make a Plan website.

Take the steps now to protect yourself and your family in the event of a disaster.

Visit www.ready.gov to learn more and access resources – o visita www.ready.gov/es si habla español.


Racism and the Future of the Unborn

Imagine you are a Caucasian young woman, at the doctor’s office and you have just learned you are expecting your first child! A myriad of thoughts and emotions flood your mind. What will the sex of my baby be? Will it be healthy and who will it resemble – me or the father, who is African American?

While you sit in the laboratory waiting room to have your prenatal testing, a news anchor shares this information,

In a 2001 study, participants were shown a picture of a white face or a black face followed immediately by a picture of a weapon or a tool. They were asked to identify the object as quickly as possible. Study participants more often identified weapons correctly after they saw a black face, and more accurately identified tools after seeing an image of a white face. What’s more, “they falsely claimed to see a gun more often when the face was black than when it was white.”

Next, you reach for your phone and search the web for details surrounding the recent news relating to the killing of the unarmed African American young man, Michael Brown, in Ferguson, MO.

Fear, instead of joy, now encompasses your mind as you compassionately cradle your abdomen with anxiety for the future life of your unborn child if the child does in fact more closely resemble the father!

Continuing this quest for answers in a means to prepare for raising and protecting a black child in America you read:

2005 study by University of Colorado neuroscientists bolsters these findings. The scientists measured threat perception and response in the brains of 40 students to targets in a video game, some of whom were carrying pistols while others carried wallets or cellphones. The study authors predicted that because there is a cultural perception that African-Americans are “more threatening,” participants’ “shoot response” would come more naturally. Indeed that’s how it panned out. The study found that the students shot black targets with guns more quickly than white targets with guns, and took longer to decide not to shoot unarmed blacks than unarmed whites.


www.generalhealthproblems.comLeaving the doctor’s visit, you immediately head home to share the news with the father! As you stick the key in the door, you think: What do I tell him first? Should I share with him the saddening news of the study – or should I ask him how are we going to continue living in America in hopes of protecting our biracial child, who will hopefully one day grow up and  be able to walk the neighborhood safely with friends!

We know that the stress we experience in our lives impacts the quality of our health. While pregnancy can be one of the happiest times in a woman’s life, it can also be a stressful time. And, if a woman has experienced chronic stress at unhealthy levels before her pregnancy, that stress may impact her health throughout the pregnancy and in the long term, as well as the health of her child.

Research shows that chronic stress – like the experience of racism – impacts birth outcomes and the health of an individual over the course of their lives:

The body’s response to chronic stress, it seems, can also harm a fetus by subjecting it to the same negative biological conditions of chronic stress, which are different than responses to individual stressing events. The ongoing exposure to large quantities of stress hormones is thought to be a leading cause in disparate pregnancy outcomes, as stress is known to be a complicating factor for pregnancy.

We do our best to take care of ourselves and our loved ones. And often, outside forces continue to impact our health – whether those outside forces be the quality of the air we breathe, the affordability of health care services, or racism embedded in systems and institutions throughout our American society.

While we cannot fix racism, at the YWCA, we have some services that can be helpful. If you are expecting a baby and could use support accessing services and resources, call Pat Hampton in the YWCA Healthy Birth Outcomes program at 206.436.8667. If you’d find it helpful to talk to someone about the stress or anxiety you’re feeling, call 425.922.6192 to talk to a counselor in our Community Mental Health program. We’re here for you.