Racism is no more.

In our work with homeless women in the community, we hear about and witness racism in the healthcare system on a daily basis. Although this does include individual acts of racism, the impact of institutionalized racism in this system is perpetually devastating for the health and well-being of these women and children of color. We are well aware in our work that racism is alive within the health care system in our country. In fact the depth to which institutionalized racism has impacted health care is in part the reason our program and others like it even exist. So as we take a stand against racism this week and in our daily work at the YWCA, I want to share my dream for healthcare in our country. It is one that I have faith that we can all embody.


The Co-creation of a Dream

I remember when I walked the halls of the shelters
In the days when it was normal for a woman to go without dental care for ten years
Or not be able to tell you the name of her doctor
because it changed with each visit

I remember when it was easier to receive care at the ER than the clinic
When women would request the treatment they needed
And be denied based on the color of their card, or the color of their skin,
Or the place at night where they sought shelter

I remember when I could order a pizza and have it delivered
In the time it took to schedule a medical appointment
When the system was so complicated to navigate
That many ended up going without care they were entitled to receive

I remember the day when health care reform was our only hope
Even though it was far from enough at the beginning
When we settled for mandated insurance instead of mandated care
When health care was seen as a political position instead of a human right

I am still living my memory. That day is today. I want more.

I want to live in a world where everyone has a doctor they can go to
Or a doctor that can come to them
A world where everyone insured and understands how to use their insurance
NO! –  one in which insurance ceases to exist

I want to live in a world where oral and mental health
Are as important as physical health
Where we understand the whole person
And expend more energy to prevent than to treat

I want to live in a world where life expectancy has nothing to do with the color of your skin
where patients guide their treatment plans
doctors look like their patients
And everyone receives the same high quality of care

I want to live in a world where health care is a human right
One where I am worked out of a job
Because it is easy to access health care services
And the care you receive is not based on the money you have

I want to co-create a world together in community
One full of beauty, wholeness and diversity
Where our humanity unites us
and racism is no more.

Racism is no more.

Racism is no more.