Did You Know Washington State Budget Cuts Increase Racial Disparities?

I recently received information about Washington CAN!’s Facing Race: How Budget Cuts Are Increasing Racial Disparities. This report was released last fall, in preparation for Washington State’s Special Legislative Session in November 2011.

The report analyzes how state budget cuts affect health care, human and social services, education, criminal justice, and civil rights and citizenship. Here are the report’s key findings related to health care in Washington:

For more on budget cuts in Washington State over the long-term, read the Washington State Budget & Policy Center’s “No denying it: At least $10 billion has been cut from the state budget.”

And if you feel inspired to stand up for important services – health care or otherwise – join Washington CAN! on Martin Luther King Day (Monday, January 16th) from 11am-5pm to celebrate the legacy of Dr. King, take action and visit your legislators! The day will consist of trainings, a rally and visits with lawmakers. Washington CAN! will continue to raise awareness about the impact of all-cuts budgets on communities of color and will push our legislators to raise revenue instead of making more cuts. Register to join Washington CAN! online!