“Songs for a Healthier America” coming to your neighborhood record store

It’s no secret that Michelle Obama is a national advocate, fighting childhood obesity across America. Three years after First Lady Obama launched the Let’s Move campaign and President Obama signed an Executive Order to establish a Task Force on Childhood Obesity, the CDC reports that childhood obesity rates are declining among preschoolers in families with low incomes. Progress has been made!

Yes, we are making progress. But that doesn’t mean that we should slow our efforts or re-direct our attention. First Lady Obama is determined to keep on going. In fact, Partnership for a Healthy America, a nonprofit partner of Let’s Move, is launching Songs for a Healthier America – a hip hop album and music videos to fight childhood obesity.

Check out the music video below. It’s a video for one of the album’s singles, “Everybody,” and it features Mrs. Obama, rapper Doug E. Fresh, singer-songwriter Jordin Sparks, and TV personality Dr. Oz. The full album will be released on September 30. Enjoy!

Read more about the album here.

Elect Wellness!

You’ve watched the commercials! You’ve heard the debates! You’ve read the literature and now the time has come for you to make your choice!

Elect to be proactive in good personal health!

Ask yourself:

  • Do I know my family’s health history?
  • What are my short and long-term health aspirations?
  • What health legacy do I want to leave for my family?
  • How do I really feel about my current health status?
  • What am I doing to move forward positively in the area of health?

The US Department of Health and Humans Services’ Office on Women’s Health provides a comprehensive health screening check list in The Healthy Woman: A complete Guide for All Ages.  In this book are helpful guidelines for you and your health care provider to consider as you progress towards your goals to wellness. Check it out!

Just like Michelle Obama, I am looking for new ideas on how to be fit! Share your thoughts with all of us at the YWCA in Seattle below by leaving a comment. Let’s challenge each other to get creative in becoming and staying healthy!

Make the right choice – your choice. I am rejoicing with you!