Go Hawks!

Seahawks-New-Logo-2013Unless you’ve been living under a rock in the Pacific Northwest, you know that on Sunday afternoon, the Seattle Seahawks will meet the Denver Broncos in New Jersey’s MetLife Stadium for the 48th annual Super Bowl. Go Hawks! And unless you’ve been lucky enough to score tickets and are traveling to the East Coast, or you’ve made ski plans because you expect the slopes to be empty, chances are that you’ll either be hosting or attending a Super Bowl party.

I am usually all in for fried food and Cheetos – anytime, but especially when I’m watching football. It’s so easy to indulge in football fever food, especially when everyone else is and it’s cold and rainy outside.  But didn’t we just start the New Year? How are we doing with those New Year’s resolutions? How many of us decided to eat healthier in 2014?  Regardless of whether you made a new healthy commitment for 2014, why not try to freshen Super Bowl Sunday up a bit?

I’ll still eat a few Cheetos on Sunday, but my contribution to the Super Bowl party I’m attending will come from one of these healthy and football-friendly snacks. Which one will you try?


All of these recipes came from Greatist.com’s list of 41 Guilt-Free Super Bowl Snacks. If you want to look at more options, click here to find the right Super Bowl Snack for you.

A New Year of Wellness

How many of you out there remember being a child and feeling a sense of excitement on New Year’s Eve as your family prepared for the celebration? When I was a child, I would watch as my parents prepared for a night on the town. My older siblings and I were told we could stay up late, watch Dick Clark on television as the big silvery ball dropped in Times Square, pop popcorn, and have soda to drink in stemmed glasses. This was a really BIG deal for an eight year old who always had a bedtime and was only allowed to drink orange or grape soda from the good glasses on special occasions!

It is amazing how powerful memory is. Just the thought of this childhood experience brings a smile to my face and feelings of excitement. According to History.com, “people have been celebrating the start of each new year for at least four millennia” – gathering with those close, while dancing, eating, drinking, and making resolutions.

As I think of the work I do at the YWCA, helping women live healthier lives, this year I am resolved to continue learning about disease prevention, health disparities, and inequity so I can use this information to empower women in our communities with tools needed to become more physically, emotionally, and socially healthy and well.

Please join me, helping women get healthy! Share your wellness plans for the New Year, and enjoy life!

A New Year’s Resolution

It’s the beginning of a new year, and all I hear about is resolutions, dieting and new exercise routines. It’s one of the unfortunate side effects of the holidays – like when they start playing Christmas music the day after Thanksgiving…

Don’t get me wrong – I love new beginnings. I love the excitement, the hope, the planning, the camaraderie that surrounds each new year. What I don’t love is comparing how much weight I need to lose with the people in my life. Nor do I relish the idea of cutting out delicious foods from my daily diet.

So – this year, I’m not going to declare that I will start a new routine, a new diet, a new lifestyle. Instead, I declare that I will enjoy healthy cooking more. I will diversify the foods I eat, while still keeping a close eye on my budget. And I will be honest with myself about whether or not I want to feed my body with food that is not nutritious. I invite you to join me.

I find that as long as I keep myself excited and interested in new, vibrant and satisfying meals, the food I eat tends to be healthy. One of the ways I keep myself excited and interested is by finding new recipes in cookbooks, on blogs and through friends and family.

With the help of some fellow bloggers, I look forward to starting the year off with a Sauteed Mushroom Salad and Skillet Carrots with Onion and Thyme. And I plan to visit the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute’s Healthy Eating website to come up with new snack, side dish and main dish ideas throughout the year.

What keeps you excited about eating healthy food? Do you have a recipe to share? Are there any blogs or websites with yummy recipes that you follow?

-Katie Barnett