National Youth HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

Tomorrow is April 10th – National Youth HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. On this day, there is a particular focus to educate the public about the impact of HIV and AIDS on young people as well as highlight the amazing work young people are doing across the country to fight the HIV & AIDS epidemic.

Today’s young people are the first generation who have never known a world without HIV and AIDS. In the United States, one in four new HIV infections is among youth ages 13 to 24. Every month 1,000 young people are infected with HIV and over 76,400 young people are currently living with HIV across the country. While there has been much talk about an AIDS-Free Generation, we know that is not possible without our nation’s youth. Young people and their allies are determined to end this epidemic once and for all and this day is a way to acknowledge the great work young people are already engaging in to do so.

Want to learn a little more about HIV, how it’s transmitted, and how to access testing? Visit Amplify Your Voice’s site, where they have an HIV/AIDS FAQ.

Get involved in National Youth HIV/AIDS Awareness Day this month – check out some local events taking place over the next few days:

NYHAAD Events Flyer

Language and statistics from this blog post are drawn from Advocates for Youth’s Amplify Your Voice website.