International Black Midwives and Healers Conference: to improve birth outcomes and reduce maternal mortality

Anti-Racism Anti-Oppression Midwifery, or AROMidwifery, began in earnest following a conference in March 2012. Their work is focused on ending oppression in midwifery and beyond – and they are making the call to action for all of us.

AROMidwifery is undertaking a campaign to raise money for midwives and students of color to attend the International Black Midwives and Healers Conference. This conference will take place in Miami, FL, October 19-21stErykah Badu will be in attendance as the national spokesperson for the International Center for Traditional Childbearing (ICTC), the Portland, OR, organization sponsoring the conference. The ICTC is a non-profit whose mission encompasses infant mortality prevention, breastfeeding promotion, and midwifery training. They are run by midwives of color and offer the birth community ongoing opportunities in cultural competence in midwifery.

Generations of economic injustice make it far less likely that students and midwives of color have the resources to attend these conferences so vital to collegial interconnection. The need for providers of traditional and alternative medicine is great, as is the need for providers from various cultural backgrounds. These providers can provide uniquely qualified care for their communities among whom many health disparities exist.

At the YWCA, we are working hard to eliminate racism and empower women. For those of us in communities and involved in anti-oppression work, we know that action is a vital part of easing the frustration and anger that often accompanies our ongoing endeavors against racism, sexism, ableism, and other oppressions. AROMidwifery asks that we take action with them in this small step towards equalizing economic injustice.