16th Annual Rainbow Health Fair!

We are so excited to host the 16th annual Rainbow Health Fair on Saturday, June 28,from 1-5pm at All Pilgrims Church on Broadway and Republican at the Capitol Hill Pride Festival. At the Rainbow Health Fair, our mission is to offer traditional and holistic health services and education from culturally competent providers to lesbian, bisexual, and queer women and gender queer and transgender people, especially those with limited access to care.

Our vision:
A world where people of all genders and sexualities have access to the resources they need for optimal wellness.

Here’s the thing:
To make it happen we need YOU.

We need you to come by, say hi, and maybe even…

  • Get a free pap test or mammogram. Yeah, it’s nobody’s idea of a good time, but trust us, our providers love working with LBTQ patients – and did we say free?
  • Free mammograms for eligible people 40+ only
  • Free massages and acupuncture
  • Free snacks and water
  • Lots of great information for your health and wellness
  • Health resources in Seattle and the Puget Sound
  • Insurance info and enrollment
  • Win a sweet raffle prize from Babeland, Three Dollar Bill Cinema, Rat City Roller Girls, SIFF cinema and more!

We’ll be posting more soon about the awesome providers we have lined up for you, but in the meantime, save the date to come see us at Capitol Hill Pride!

The Rainbow Health Fair: free, fun, safe and queer!!


To stay up-to-date and informed about the Rainbow Health Fair this year and every year, visit the YWCA’s LBTQ Health Blog!