A New Year of Wellness

How many of you out there remember being a child and feeling a sense of excitement on New Year’s Eve as your family prepared for the celebration? When I was a child, I would watch as my parents prepared for a night on the town. My older siblings and I were told we could stay up late, watch Dick Clark on television as the big silvery ball dropped in Times Square, pop popcorn, and have soda to drink in stemmed glasses. This was a really BIG deal for an eight year old who always had a bedtime and was only allowed to drink orange or grape soda from the good glasses on special occasions!

It is amazing how powerful memory is. Just the thought of this childhood experience brings a smile to my face and feelings of excitement. According to History.com, “people have been celebrating the start of each new year for at least four millennia” – gathering with those close, while dancing, eating, drinking, and making resolutions.

As I think of the work I do at the YWCA, helping women live healthier lives, this year I am resolved to continue learning about disease prevention, health disparities, and inequity so I can use this information to empower women in our communities with tools needed to become more physically, emotionally, and socially healthy and well.

Please join me, helping women get healthy! Share your wellness plans for the New Year, and enjoy life!