Breast Cancer Awareness Year-Round!

Another Breast Cancer Awareness Month has come and gone, now my questions as a health educator are these!

How many women over 40 actually went to have a mammogram or scheduled an appointment this month?

How many actually perform self-breast exams?

How many encouraged other women to do these things?

How many talked with their teen daughter about the importance of regular mammography screenings once they’re 40?

How many women encourage the men in their lives to perform self-chest and testicular exams?

With the American Cancer Society predicting 232,670 new cases of invasive breast cancer this year and 40,000 of those findings ending in death, the fact remains there are risk factors that cannot be changed. Many YWCAs and other organizations across the country spend their time and talents educating women about the importance of being screened. Those of us working in YWCA Women’s Health Outreach in Seattle also encourage people to be screened and know your personal risk factors.

The American Cancer Society says,

A risk factor is anything that affects your chance of getting a disease, such as cancer.

Watch this video and see how one woman and her family are addressing their risk factors!

After you have learned what your personal risk factors are, take charge of your health, learn everything you can about the impact of the risk factor on your chance of getting breast cancer and become involve in finding a cure!

Volunteer with an organization working to eradicate the disease, participate in research, consider financial contributions, manage the risk factors you can control and communicate with others in your social networks on the topic of breast cancer – not just in October!  If you need to schedule a mammogram or connect with a speaker for your women’s group, book club, community event or church gathering – contact me at 206-461-4489. I can assist you throughout the year!