Friday, September 28: Reproductive Health, Rights and Justice

Ms. Foundation President & CEO Anika Rahman

The Ms. Foundation for Women has provided funding to BABES Network-YWCA since 2009 – helping us bring leadership development programming to women living with HIV in our communities. This Friday, the Ms. Foundation is traveling from Brooklyn to Seattle and will host “War on Women: Reproductive health, Rights and Justice!” – a conversation on reproductive health in America in collaboration with the University of Washington’s Department of Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies.

The conversation will take place on Friday, September 28th, at the University of Washington, Kane Hall. The program will discuss the importance of grassroots organization in reproductive health, rights and justice. How can YOU make a difference? How can WE consider solutions — and make them work? This is a free event and all are welcome.

Ms. Foundation President and CEO Anika Rahman will facilitate the interactive discussion, highlighting reproductive health as an essential part of basic health care, especially for marginalized communities. This timely event will explore the full spectrum of Reproductive Health, Rights and Justice from multiple perspectives.

Panelists include Dr. Barbara Reskin, professor of sociology at the University of Washington; Ellen Liu, program officer of reproductive health, Ms. Foundation; and Kirsten Harris-Talley, Founding Sister and Board Member, Surge NW.

To RSVP to the event, please email