Our Bodies on Soda

How many sodas do you usually drink a day? How many a week?

Most of us know by now that soda is unhealthy for our bodies – all that sugar (or chemicals in diet sodas) and food coloring has an impact on our health. And yet we drink them anyways. Don’t get me wrong – I love root beer and order it often when I eat out.

But when I hear about the statistics associated with drinking a lot of soda, it makes me think twice about picking up another bottle of pop.

Drinking one 12-ounce can of soda every day increases our risk of type 2 diabetes by 22 percent.

FastCompany and Term Life Insurance have shared this infographic with us – showing us that “phosphoric acid in cola leads to higher risk of osteoporosis, particularly in older women.” On top of that, “high fructose corn syrup is associated with heart disease, and may cause more weight gain than conventional sugar.” Yikes!
