Get Active and Stay Healthy During your Pregnancy

Whenever I hear a pregnant woman exclaim, “I’m eating for two!” I can’t help but get insanely jealous. I mean, who doesn’t want to eat for two? And although we may encourage a healthy appetite for pregnant women, ever-emerging research shows that proper exercise and only moderate weight gain during pregnancy can help with a plethora of birthing factors – from reducing the amount of pregnancy discomfort, to improving your sleep, to even helping you have an easier, shorter labor! And, introducing exercise into your pregnancy can help you feel better, look better, and help you get back to your pre-pregnancy weight quicker after giving birth.

If you are unsure of the recommended weight gain during pregnancy, check out the Mayo Clinic’s webpage, which breaks down recommended weight gain by pre-pregnancy weight, and whether you are carrying one child or twins/other multiples.

Some great pre-natal exercises we found on the Weight-control Information Network’s website that will keep you off your feet and in motion, without over-doing it, are:

  • Go for a walk around the block or through a shopping mall with your spouse or friend.
  • Sign up for a prenatal yoga, aqua aerobics, or fitness class. Make sure to let the instructor know that you are pregnant before beginning.
  • Rent or buy an exercise video for pregnant women. Look for videos at your local library, video store, health care provider’s office, hospital, or maternity clothing store.
  • At your gym, community center or YMCA, sign up for a session with a fitness trainer who knows about physical activity during pregnancy.
  • Get up and move around at least once an hour if you sit in a chair most of the day. When watching TV, get up and move around during commercials.

The Weight-control Information Network is an information service of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.